Adhikari Lifeline Multispeciality Hospital in Betegaon, Boisar
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A full-body checkup, also known as a comprehensive health check, is a series of medical tests that can help evaluate your overall health status. It provides important information about the functioning of vital organs, detects illnesses in early stages, and identifies risk factors. With rising health issues, sedentary lifestyles, and environmental factors taking a toll on our wellbeing, regular full-body checkups have become increasingly important.

At Adhikari Lifeline Hospital, the best Multispeciality Hospital in Boisar, we highly recommend every adult to get full-body checkup annually or even every 6 months. Through this blog, we aim to shed more light into the importance of full-body checkup for your health. Let’s begin!

What does a Full-Body Checkup involve?

A full-body checkup involves medical history documentation and physical examination by a doctor along with routine lab tests to analyze organ function, blood counts, blood chemistry, hormone levels, and more. Common tests include:

  • Complete Blood Count (CBC) – Checks hemoglobin, white blood cell, and platelet counts
  • Lipid profile – Measures cholesterol and triglyceride levels
  • Liver function tests – Evaluates liver health and detects conditions like hepatitis
  • Kidney function tests – Screens for kidney diseases like nephropathy
  • Thyroid function tests – Checks thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH), T3, and T4 levels
  • Blood glucose tests – Detects prediabetes and diabetes
  • Vitamin D, B12, iron tests – Identifies deficiencies
  • PAP smear/pelvic ultrasound – Screens for cervical/ovarian cancers in women
  • PSA test/DRE – Checks prostate health in men
  • EKG and treadmill test – Screens for heart conditions

Some checkups may also include imaging tests like chest X-rays, ultrasound scans of vital organs and mammograms based on medical history and risk factors.

Why a Full-Body Checkup is recommended

Regular comprehensive health checkups are recommended for the following reasons:

Early disease detection: Getting routine tests done allows doctors to detect health issues in early, treatable stages before symptoms appear. This significantly increases chances of complete recovery.

Monitoring health status: Full-body checkups at routine intervals help doctors keep a tab on your health metrics and monitor any changes over time.

Assessing risks: By understanding factors like lifestyle habits, family history and test results, doctors can assess your risks for various conditions and advise preventive measures.

Preventing complications: Regular health screening helps prevent serious complications and expensive advanced treatments by catching conditions early.

Improving longevity: With disease risks identified and managed well before becoming life-threatening, full-body checkups can positively impact your healthspan and lifespan.

Benefits of undergoing a Full-Body Checkup regularly

The Full Body Check up in Boisar offered by Adhikari Lifeline Hospital, provides multiple health benefits:

  • Early diagnosis and treatment of conditions like diabetes, heart disease, cancers etc.
  • Reduces hospitalization costs due to early interventions
  • Improves quality of life by ensuring good health is maintained
  • Peace of mind knowing your health status is monitored periodically
  • Lowers risks of health complications and expensive surgeries in future
  • Enables lifestyle modifications for disease prevention and health promotion

Affordability of Full-Body Checkups

While the tests included may differ, most diagnostic centres and hospitals offer full-body checkup packages starting at an affordable rate. Corporate packages are more cost-effective. Additionally, many insurance plans cover or provide subsidies for preventive health checkups. Considering how invaluable your health is, the price is very affordable for comprehensive assessment and early diagnosis.

At Adhikari Lifeline Hospital’s state-of-the-art diagnostic centre in Boisar, we provide various tailored packages for all age groups. Our high-end technology, expertise of experienced doctors and affordable pricing makes it a preferred choice for locals.

Who should opt for a Full-Body Checkup?

It is recommended that individuals getting a full-body checkup under the guidance of a physician annually if they:

  • Are adults above 30 years of age
  • Have family history of genetic diseases
  • Lead sedentary lifestyles with poor eating habits
  • Suffer chronic lifestyle conditions like obesity, diabetes etc.
  • Consume tobacco or alcohol frequently
  • Wish to monitor health during pregnancy or medical conditions

In conclusion, regular full-body checkups are extremely valuable for preventive healthcare and early diagnosis. Book your appointment at Adhikari Lifeline Hospital for full-body checkup in Boisar and empower yourself to proactively manage your health. Our expert doctors and technicians are here to help you make accurate diagnosis and get the best treatment on time!

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