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The word ‘Heart Disease’ indeed is scary. We all want to avoid it. However, it is one of the most common types of diseases that can affect anyone. It can be lethal if it goes unnoticed for a long time. The good news is that you can play a major role in keeping your heart healthy by eliminating risk factors for these conditions through a variety of lifestyle changes, including weight loss, exercise, stress management, smoking cessation or reduction, and medications prescribed by your doctor.

Consulting the best Cardiologist in Boisar or your city can help you avoid more life-threatening conditions that could be present. It is a way to keep your heart healthy and make sure your body is safe from any potential emergencies. Most people know that a Cardiologist can help them the best, but they still end up believing myths and end up deteriorating their heart health. This is why Adhikari Lifeline Hospital, the best multispeciality hospital in Boisar, Palghar has decided to burst the myths and share facts on heart care. It’s good for you and your loved ones!

1) Myth: Chest pain is the only warning sign of a heart attack.

Chest pain is one of the biggest warning signs of heart attack, but it is not the only warning sign. Other non-chest pain symptoms can indicate a heart attack as well. These include dizziness, extreme tiredness, nausea, vomiting, and shortness of breath. Chest pain is risky if it lasts more than five minutes. Other risk factors include high blood pressure and high cholesterol. Take note of these other warning signs to be safe and avoid a possible heart attack. You can consult the best hospital in Palghar for treatment. 

2) Myth: My family has a history of heart diseases. I will eventually develop heart diseases no matter how healthily I live. 

Heart disease is a serious health problem that tends to be hereditary. This means that their occurrence is passed on through generations. They are also referred to as Familial Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy or FHCM. Genetically-linked heart diseases are a common occurrence. However, some cures can be done to lessen the effects of these hereditary heart diseases. Lifestyle changes can show a positive impact on your heart. Include moderate exercise and physical activities in your daily routine, eat a diet suggested by a dietician after analysing your heart and overall health, keep your vitals in check. Regular health checkups can help you stay alert and take more preventive steps. 

3) Myth: Heart failure means the heart has stopped beating.

Heart failure does not mean that your heart has stopped beating -it just means that it might have been damaged in such a way that it cannot function properly anymore without help from outside sources such as medications and medical devices such as pacemakers and defibrillators. The most common cause of this condition is coronary artery disease, which can be found in people who have high cholesterol or are over the age of 45. In some cases, this condition can lead to death if not treated quickly. Rush to the best heart hospital near you in an emergency case!

4) Myth: I should not exercise after surviving a heart attack.

You should exercise after having a heart attack because it will help your heart recover. You must find the right type of exercise for you, based on your limitations. After surviving a heart attack, many people are advised by cardiologists to exercise regularly to put their hearts back in shape. This can be anything from walking to riding a bike, or even playing tennis. Exercises help ease the pain or prevent another heart attack from happening again, but they are good for the overall health of the body.

5) Myth: The pain in my legs does not have anything to do with my heart.

Pain in the legs and chest pain are often seen as different types of conditions but this is not always true. The findings are clear that if you have pain in your legs for more than a few days, this might be indicative of poor heart health. The pain is a symptom and not a diagnosis itself; many patients may feel the same symptoms without any physical problem present.

There are a lot of myths about heart diseases, which can be harmful to someone’s health because they believe these myths instead of seeking help from doctors for better treatment options. People need to have the correct information about their symptoms as well as their treatments to make sure they are safe from the risks associated with heart disease. Share this blog with your loved ones and help Adhikari Lifeline Hospital, an ICU Hospital in Boisar spread awareness on Heart Diseases.

You can also book an appointment with our cardiologists at +91 7828 000 444. Get in touch today!

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